Goals of the Halton Police Board

  • To serve you as a member of Halton’s safe communities through best-in-class, strategic police governance
  • To remain at the forefront of community safety service provision, through community safety/well-being planning, community engagement and research
  • To ensure the provision of adequate and effective police services to the citizens of Halton Region
  • To work with communities to maintain Halton’s ranking as Canada’s safest place to live, work, raise a family and retire
  • As the voice of police governance in Halton, respond to community needs and represent the public safety interest
  • To support and ensure the safety of front-line officers and police service members

Halton Regional Police Service - Strategic Plan

The themes and goals outlined in the Halton Regional Police Service’s four-year Strategic Plan are the direct result of input received from citizens, community stakeholders and members of the HRPS. The plan sets out a course of action that is fiscally responsible for taxpayers, responsive to the public, and respectful of Halton Region’s dynamic, growing and inclusive community. It is also centred on the Halton Regional Police Service Values of Trust & Respect, Integrity, Accountability, Excellence, Teamwork and Justice.

The HRPS Strategic Plan is available for download in the following below:

Halton Regional Police Service - 2024 Budget Presentation

Policing Priorities

At a high level, the priorities of the Halton Police Board fall under the following themes:

  • Community Safety & Well-Being
  • Outreach & Collaboration
  • Capability and Engagement
  • Leadership and Excellence
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